Legal notices

company name


This site is the exclusive property of the company SKC2

Simplified joint stock company, registered with the RCS of LYON under number 949 068 068 with capital of €1,000.

The head office address is BP24, 2 boulevard Lucien SAMPAIX, 69190 SAINT-FONS

The intra-community VAT number is FR 76949068068

Site developed by Ocebo Studio in Lyon, UX/UI by Yannick Girot

Photography by Eska Watches

Shopify Hosting , 74 Rue de Rome, 75008 PARIS

The SKC2 company undertakes, within the framework of access to and use of the Site, to process the personal data of individuals, in compliance with French and European regulations on the protection of personal data.
SKC2 undertakes to process personal data in compliance with and in accordance with the terms set out in the Site's confidentiality policy accessible below.